4 Symptoms Of Women Going Through Menopause
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Menopause can have a significant impact on both the physical and emotional health of a woman. It typically occurs around the age of 45-55 in women, which is a process where the estrogen hormone and progesterone decline, which can lead to sudden hormonal changes in the body. It not only affects your mood due to hormonal changes but also affects multiple factors such as bone density, increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and liver function.
Every woman experiences different things in terms of severity and symptoms. When you feel you are entering the menopausal phase make sure to visit a good gynaecologist and seek proper advice. Following the common symptoms that women experience during menopause:
Thinning Of Hair:
Due to changes in hormones, you can notice a major change in your hair, you may experience thinning of hair, especially from the temple and crown of the head. Changing in texture and color is also possible, this happens specifically due to a decrease in estrogen levels. You may notice that your hair is dry, grey, and brittle. You may notice a significant loss in your hair or noticeable shedding than usual.
Some women may notice facial hair growth, especially chin area and neck. You can get medication to reduce the symptoms of menopause.
Fluctuation In Mood:
There may be a significant fluctuation in your mood, which can range from being angry, anxious, and depressed. Some women may feel less stressed and moody, while others feel a major change in their mood swings. It is important to take serious action if you feel depressed as it may lead to some serious damage.
Certain factors can trigger your mood such as lack of sleep, fatigue, and hunger, it is important to understand the cause behind your mood swings and take action accordingly. To manage your mood swings you can opt for hormone replacement therapy to reduce the symptoms and prevent further damage.
Weight Gain:
Due to changes in hormone levels, some women may face sudden weight gain. This weight is especially seen in the belly area. Losing a weight that is gained due to hormonal imbalance is not easy and it may take longer to lose weight. Metabolism tends to slow down with age, which makes it easier to gain weight and lose it. If you are doing a job or a working woman, you can stay active on your breaks and walk around your workplace.
It is important to engage yourself in regular exercise and activities that keep you active. Make sure that you practice stress reduction exercises to improve your mood as well.
When your hormones are fluctuating it may disrupt the sleeping pattern as well which results in tired muscles and feeling sleepy all day. Night sweats and hot flashes are also one of the major symptoms of getting into menopause. This contributes to feelings of fatigue throughout your day.
Make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet that is recommended by your doctor. This will help to reduce the symptoms and might help to manage your hormones. Stay hydrated all day, and make sure you are drinking plenty of water, it can help to relax and reduce your symptoms of fatigue.